Sponsorship Opportunities
Support the local community and build your brand with potential customers.
Why Advertise with Falls Church Athletics?
- Create brand awareness and visibility with 2000 students and their families and friends at Falls Church and to the many community groups that utilize our athletic fields
- 76% of people are more likely to purchase from a local high school sponsor company
- Increase brand loyalty and stimulate sales
- Reach local customers more effectively
- Set yourself apart from the competition
- Help keep athletic programs healthy and competitive in our community
Sponsorship is an amazing way to support the local community and build your brand with potential customers.
Donations are tax deductible and 100% will go to support Falls Church athletics.
Contact our Sponsorship Chairman at sponsorships@fchsathleticboosters.org with any questions.

Ready to become a Sponsor?
Jaguar Level
$1500 Sponsorship
- Presenting sponsor of one regular season game. Includes 4 :10 sec. presenting sponsor PA announcements, and promotional table sponsorship to promote business. Sponsor can choose sport and game on a first-come, first-served basis
- In-game announcements (:20) of sponsorship at sporting events.
- Stadium Fence Sign Advertising – 6’ x 3’ banner located at FCHS stadium for the year; printing production is additional if a banner is not supplied
- Full-page Ad in Seasonal Athletic Programs (Fall/Winter/Spring)
- Event scorer’s table LED signage ad for all gymnasium events (at least 2 ads/event for :30 sec. each)
- Website Advertising – Logo placement with a link to your website and a 150-word company description or promotion
- 4 Social Media sponsorship posts and 4 exclusive email newsletter sponsorship features
- Six passes to all regular FCHS home sporting events
Jaguar Level
$1500 Sponsorship
- Presenting sponsor of one regular season game. Includes 4 :10 sec. presenting sponsor PA announcements, and promotional table sponsorship to promote business. Sponsor can choose sport and game on a first-come, first-served basis
- In-game announcements (:20) of sponsorship at sporting events.
- Stadium Fence Sign Advertising – 6’ x 3.2’ banner located at FCHS stadium for the year; printing production is additional if a banner is not supplied
- Full-page Ad in Seasonal Athletic Programs
- Event scorer’s table LED signage ad for all gymnasium events (at least 2 ads/event for :30 sec. each)
- Website Advertising – Logo placement with a link to your website and a 150-word company description or promotion
- 4 Social Media sponsorship posts and 4 exclusive email newsletter sponsorship features
- Six passes to all regular FCHS home sporting events

Green Level
$1000 Sponsorship
- Stadium Fence Sign Advertising – 6’ x 3’ banner located at FCHS stadium for the year; printing production is additional if banner is not supplied
- Half-page Ad in Seasonal Athletic Programs (Fall/Winter/Spring)
- Event scorer’s table LED ad for all gymnasium events (at least 2 ads/event for :30 sec. each)
- Website Advertising – Logo placement with link to your website
- In-game announcements of sponsorship at all stadium events
- 2 Social Media posts and 2 email newsletter sponsorship features
- Two passes to all regular FCHS home sporting events

White Level
$500 Sponsorship
- Stadium Fence Sign Advertising – 6’ x 3’ banner located at FCHS stadium for the year; Printing production is additional if banner is not supplied
- Quarter-page Ad in Seasonal Athletic Programs (Fall/Winter/Spring)
- Website Advertising – Logo placement with link to your website
- 1 Social Media posts and 1 email newsletter sponsorship features

Add-on Package Sports Award Banquet Exclusive Sponsorship
Available with any Sponsorship level, while available. One per season – Fall, Winter, Spring.
Exclusive sponsorship of season awards banquet. Sponsorship includes: logo on program, Athletic Director thank you during the presentation, tabling at the event, Facebook post: $500. Only three events are available. Contact our Sponsorship Chairman at sponsorships@fchsathleticboosters.org to determine availability.
Seasonal Athletic Program Advertisements
Advertising is available in various sizes. We offer 1/8, 1/2, and 1/4 page options, as well as full-page ads. In addition, premium positions for full-page ads are available for an additional fee.
Jaguar Level
$1500 Sponsorship
- Presenting sponsor of one regular season game. Includes 4 :10 sec. presenting sponsor PA announcements, and promotional table sponsorship to promote business. Sponsor can choose sport and game on a first-come, first-served basis
- :30 professionally recorded in-game announcement ad at all stadium and gym events, limited to the first 11 Jaguar Level sponsors contracted for the year
- Stadium Fence Sign Advertising – 6’ x 3.2’ banner located at FCHS stadium for the year; printing production is additional if a banner is not supplied
- Full-page Ad in Seasonal Athletic Programs
- Event scorer’s table LED signage ad for all gymnasium events (at least 2 ads/event for :30 sec. each)
- Website Advertising – Logo placement with a link to your website and a 150-word company description or promotion
- 4 Social Media sponsorship posts and 4 exclusive email newsletter sponsorship features
- Six passes to all regular FCHS home sporting events
Green Level
$1000 Sponsorship
- Stadium Fence Sign Advertising – 6’ x 3.2’ banner located at FCHS stadium for the year; printing production is additional if banner is not supplied
- Half-page Ad in Seasonal Athletic Programs
- Event scorer’s table LED ad for all gymnasium events (at least 2 ads/event for :30 sec. each)
- Website Advertising – Logo placement with link to your website
- In-game announcements of sponsorship at all stadium events
- 2 Social Media posts and 2 email newsletter sponsorship features
- Two passes to all regular FCHS home sporting events

White Level
$500 Sponsorship
- Stadium Fence Sign Advertising – 6’ x 3.2’ banner located at FCHS stadium for the year; Printing production is additional if banner is not supplied
- Quarter-page Ad in Seasonal Athletic Programs
- Website Advertising – Logo placement with link to your website
- 1 Social Media posts and 2 email newsletter sponsorship features
Add-on Package Sports Award Banquet Exclusive Sponsorship
Available with any Sponsorship level, while available. One per season – Fall, Winter, Spring.
Exclusive sponsorship of season awards banquet. Sponsorship includes: logo on program, Athletic Director thank you during the presentation, tabling at the event, Facebook post: $500. Only three events are available. Contact our Sponsorship Chairman, Courtnie Ross, at sponsorships@fchsathleticboosters.org to determine availability.
Seasonal Athletic Program Advertisements
Advertising is available in various sizes. We offer 1/8, 1/2, and 1/4 page options, as well as full-page ads. In addition, premium positions for full-page ads are available for an additional fee.