The Falls Church Athletic Booster Club is a non-profit organization that promotes and supports the athletic programs at our high school. Our funding comes from events, concessions, memberships, volunteers, local businesses, and corporate sponsors. We bridge the gap for items beyond the district budget, enhancing school spirit and community pride. Join us in raising funds to support our teams and ensure their success.
- Community Business Relations
- Concession Stand Management at our three concession stands (Stadium, Indoor, and Baseball/Softball)
- Spirit Wear Sales
- Back to School Night
- Sports Awards (Fall, Winter, Spring)
- John Morris & Jeanne Kelly Scholarship
- Meet the Coaches Night
- Annual Golf Tournament
- OurFund Email Campaign
- Community Business Relations
- Support school-wide events
We meet the first Tuesday of every month during the school year at 7:00 PM. Meetings may be in person, hybrid or virtual. The meeting link will be distributed in the Booster Blast or you may contact
Yes, please contact to request minutes.
The Bylaws are available on our website on the Files page.